Bribery and integrity issues are rampant in the social compliance space and regulators are watching. This webinar will provide important tips on how to navigate and improve your supplier auditing strategy and meet new mHRDD laws and the expectations of US Customs.
US Customs and mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence (mHRDD) laws and starting to focus attention on the lack of independence that exists with most social compliance or ethical sourcing programs and certification schemes. This attention will likely lead to a big shift in how brands engage suppliers and verify labour and human rights practices. Come learn the nuts and bolts of this important topic.
Topics Covered:
– Why US Customs believes social compliance auditing lacks independence and credibility
– Why their is so much corruption with social audits
– The rise and negative impact of 2nd party, “Factory-select” social audit programs and report sharing
– How factories game the system
– How much is costs to buy a ‘pass’